Brand personality

Brand personality

Brand identity: the key to business success

How your business is perceived is everything, and you influence the perception you want your customers to have through the brand identity you build. What is branding? Let’s begin with a quick explanation about what branding is. Let’s take bottled water as an example. Question: How can different companies who sell the same product convince…Read More

Content Marketing Sales Funnel Infographic

Content Marketing Sales Funnel Infographic

How to supercharge your sales funnel with content

In this post we will be looking at how you can supercharge your sales funnel with share-worthy content that generates leads! TOP TIP: Blogging attracts visitors and traffic to your website and is the key deliverable for the top of your sales funnel. Blogging also gives you exposure on social media sites, which dramatically broadens…Read More

Imposter Syndrome: how you see yourself

Imposter Syndrome: how you see yourself

Imposter Syndrome: everything you need to know

This week Bijou Concierge investigates everything you need to know about Imposter Syndrome! What is Imposter Syndrome? First described in a 1978 study, psychologists Pauline Rose Clance and Suzanne Imes said that people who struggle with Imposter Syndrome “maintain a strong belief that they are not intelligent; in fact they are convinced that they have…Read More

MCM Comic Con London Returns To The Excel This Weekend!

MCM Comic Con London returns bigger and better this weekend much to the excitement of fans! London’s Excel Gears Up For Takeover by Comic Con Fans From 26-28 October London’s Excel is gearing up for a three day takeover by Comic Con fans from tomorrow, Friday 26th October until Sunday 28th October. Comic Con Fans Gather…Read More

The Rising Popularity Of Comic Cons From Humble Beginnings!

The Rising Popularity Of Comic Cons Comic Cons have come from humble beginnings. San Diego Comic Con International, the most-attended comic convention in the world, started in 1970 when a small group of fans put together the first “mini con,” a one-day convention held at the U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego. The convention saw about 100…Read More

Comic Superheroes: Why Do We Love Them So Much?

The interest in superheroes and comic books is phenomenal. And in this post, Bijou Concierge investigates why we love comic superheroes so much. Meet The Superheroes! Superheroes first caught our attention in the 1930s when characters such as The Phantom, Superman and Batman appeared in American comic books, and we’ve been fascinated ever since. Since then…Read More