How To Supercharge Sales With Killer Copywriting

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Copywriting is the art and science of strategically delivering words that get people to take some sort of action -in this case – to make a purchase.

Many people believe customers will buy their product or service based on logic. However, studies show that people actually rely on emotions, rather than information, to make brand decisions — and that emotional responses to ads are more influential on a person’s intent to buy than the actual content of an ad. In other words, what you say is more important than how you say it.

For a company founded on emotional messaging, communication and connecting, Hallmark has recently gone off message and is paying the price.

Four Killer Copywriting Tips To Supercharge Sales

In order to supercharge sales, you need to create persuasive copy that converts. Follow my four simple, killer copywriting tips to ensure you are on message and you will soon see your sales soar!

1. Write Engaging Headlines


It doesn’t matter how fantastic your content is if you don’t have a compelling headline that people will click. Headlines are crucial to your content. Click here for your ultimate headline writing cheatsheet, as pictured above.

In the words of the Father of Advertising, David Ogilvy:

On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar

Once you have written your killer headline, CoSchedule is a great headline analyser tool.

2. Tell A Story

Many of the world’s most successful brands use storytelling.  Stories are essential to the sales process because they build relationships and they build trust.

We all love a good story and in essence, that is what writing killer copy is all about. Storytelling in copywriting is essentially about using your customer’s pain, pursuit, and point of success to persuade them to buy from you. Those key points are all told best in the form of a story with a beginning, middle, and end.

Your story needs to grab the reader’s attention and draw them in. You also need to relax and disarm sales-averse readers before introducing your product or service. Your story will also help potential customers remember information better than a slew of boring facts and statistics! Finally, your story will enhance the value of what you have to offer.

What makes Nike’s brand story so popular is its use of the Hero archetype in communicating the brand’s soul and purpose.  When we can identify with a character or situation, we stick around. The longer we stick around the more likely we will become customers! And this is how storytelling can work to produce sensational sales results. Simply, really!

3. Include Pictures

Great visuals will make your copy look more appealing and easier to read. When writing product descriptions use sensory words (like my fav chocolate brand Green & Blacks above) which are known to increase sales.

According to research collected from HubSpot, people are likely to remember only 10% of the information they hear three days later. However, when a relevant image is paired with the same information, people retained 65% of the information three days later.

Simply put, without a visual, only 10% of your audience is likely to remember what you said or wrote. Give your audience something they’ll remember by pairing a high-quality image with amazing content to match.

There are plenty of websites where you can get free stock images that will enhance your copy. My favourite is Pexels .  You can also create your own original images with Canva.

4. End With A Powerful Call-To-Action

A Call-To-Action (CTA for short) is a general marketing term that refers to any statement; written, spoken or otherwise, that prompts the audience to take immediate action. In this case, you want your customer to make a purchase. Offering discounts, free trials etc will encourage people to click so you want to make your CTA as engaging and impactful as you can!

One example is Netflix (featured above) who uses persuasive text to guide you to their free trial. They let you know how convenient their product is with the ability to watch anywhere as well as the ability to cancel if you’re not satisfied.

Looking for an affordable, professional copywriter?

For all your word alchemy* requirements, just email Annie is a professional, creative and tech-savvy copywriter who can magically transform ‘meh’ into WOW! From website copy to product descriptions, blog posts and social media content, she offers a friendly, personalised + purse friendly service, ideal for startups and small business owners.


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